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Saturday, September 8, 2018


What is chemistry?

Chemistry is a branch of science which deals with the study composition, decomposition and properties of matter.Mattercan be defined as anything that has weight or mass and can occupy space. Therefore, in chemistry we study materials that make up the earth and universe. These range from living to non-living materials. We apply the knowledge of chemistry to study the composition, behaviour and nature of materials around us. This study enables us to make the best use of these materials to improve our welfare.


It is a branch of science which deals with composition, properties and changes of matter. A person who study chemistry are calledchemists

Note:In chemistry we study how different substances combine with other substances to form new substances.

Many products made by the application of chemistry in industry are all around us. Some of these materials are summarized in the table:

Some products made by application of chemistry

Field where applied
Examples of products
Drugs, vaccines, nutritional supplements
Agro-chemicals ( fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, acaricides), animal drugs and vaccines, animal feed and supplements
Manufacturing industry
Vehicles, cement, plastics, chemicals, paints, iron sheets, vanishes, glue
Food and beverage industry
Soft and alcoholic drinks, baked food, canned food, spices, cooking oil, salt
Home care and cosmetics industry
Cosmetics, detergents, toothpaste, shoe polish, insecticides, antiseptics, disinfectants
Fuels, lubricants, oil, grease, tar, coolants, tyres

Textile industry
Clothes, dyes, bleaches, wax, threads
Leather industry
Shoes, handbags, belts, leather articles

What is the importance of chemistry?

Chemistry is important for our lives and development due to;
1.     It helps in manufacturing of medicine to cure sick people.
2.     It helps in manufacturing of cooking oil and sugar in the food industry.
3.     It helps in manufacturing of detergents like Omo, Foma etc for cleaning purposes.
4.     It helps in manufacturing of fertilizers for agriculture activity.
5.     It helps in manufacturing of chemical substances, which kill weeds and pests.
6.     It helps in manufacturing of fuel i.e. petrol diesel etc.
7.     It helps in manufacturing of shoes and clothes.
8.     We study chemistry in order to start career. For example to be doctors, pharmacists physicists etc

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